I have had my eye on the Lilas cardigan from the
Yarniad, and finally got started with it. The collar is almost finished, and I am feeling very good about it. I still cannot knit more than about 4 rows at a time or my wrist/thumb will become very achy. Frustrating.
I have started using a wrist brace, but I am not sure that it is doing me any good. I am considering purchasing a compression glove that covers the thumb. I wish I knew how well these work before I purchase. Does anyone know?
If you recall, I set aside the Avocet B (wool) to work on something that I can use now: Lilas (cotton, acrylic). I purchased
Cotton Ease for the Lilas and -- so far -- have been very pleased with it. It was a substitution for the yarn called for by the pattern, but the specified yarn was not at my LYS. So I became a yarn explorer and ended up with something else. Now I have discovered that Cotton Ease is discontinued. So much for that find. At least I have enough for my project. Maybe I should return to
Joann's and purchase all of their remainders!