I have spent the month of January not knitting. Such an amazing change. It is sorta a reflection of how my life is changing without Husker beside me. Since his passing in October, Husker's grandson was born, the TV does not run from mid-afternoon until midnight, I am reading more, and my workouts have picked up steam.
The biggest change is that one evening last week I called the cable company and did away with the landline, and cut back on the cable channels. I had wanted to do away with the landline for years, but Husker resisted. He was also the one who watched all the sports channels. The next morning, as I was digging into my granola, I heard a foreign beep. Just as a mother recognizes her own child's cry, and you instantly know that a text message has arrived, I realized that the deed had really been done. I checked the landline, and sure enough -- it was dead. There was a knock at the door, and there stood the technician to change out the cable box. So now I am not paying for channels that no one watches, and I have become cell-phone-only. I feel like I lost weight.
The other big change is that I have become more regular with my workouts, and I really have lost weight -- 12 pounds since Thanksgiving. I am back in yoga and back in the swimming pool. While Husker was ill, I cut back on my exercise routine except for taking short neighborhood walks.
However, the knitting is beckoning. I got out the swift and yarn winder a few days ago and wound 10 hanks of sock yarn. I have started another pair in a dark brown, but ran into a problem. I struggle with dark yarn because I cannot see it well enough, and the yarn that I purchased via the internet is just too dark. I pulled it out because I could not see the pattern well enough to stay on pattern. I re-started and will make a plain stockinette pair. It feels refreshing to have something on the needles again.