The North Texas Joneses go their different ways for Christmas, but we have our own get-together ahead of time. Last night was the time, and Jon and Sarah's was the place. We started a tradition of having a Chinese auction/white elephant type of gift exchange. This usually results in some really interesting gifts (what is it?) to "stealing" someone else's gift until it is officially dead. We eat too much, drink too much, and have a fun evening with family.
Even the dogs get into the act.

Then the official day of Christmas rolls around and everyone goes to their significant other's family home. Adam and Caroline will go to her parents' home, Jon, Sarah, Cavaliers Jemma, and Kingston are going to her brother's home, we will go to my son's home, and Barbara, Jennie, and schnauzer Sydney, have their own plans for the big day.
Jon and Sarah will deliver Zach's Wallaby to him. So it results that Zach will, indeed, get the promised sweater by Christmas after all.
That looks like a fun Christmas. It would be nice to be in a family with little dogs. Ours has big dogs which means bigger chaos.