I delivered to friend, Mary, her completed blue socks, at church this morning. This is the first time I have made a pair for someone other than myself, and I feel a great sense of relief that I really have learned what I think I have learned about knitting socks. She is happy with them, and they fit very well. Top it all off, it was variegated yarn and I managed to align the light and dark shades of blue. Whew! I had to frog the second sock after a few inches and start again in order to get the alignment of colors just right. The pattern is my own Beginner's Lace Socks which Mary selected from among some samples that I showed her.
And here is our model herself, wearing her new socks for the camera.
Yes indeed, I am very happy with my new handmade socks! Thanks too for going the extra mile to align the dark and light shades. Truly a matched pair. ♥